Easy management
We recycle your old solar products
Defective, non-functional, damaged or even obsolete panels, such is the observation of many customers. This is why I'M SOLAR is increasingly committed to an ecological approach to recycling your old panels. With the recycling plant in Luxembourg, we recover your old solar panels, solar inverters or batteries of any brand to replace them with our I'M SOLAR panels, inverters or batteries.
Order your replacement I'M SOLAR product, install your order and we will pick up your old product for FREE from you.
Is my solar panel recyclable?
There are many misconceptions on the internet that a solar panel is not recyclable. This idea is completely false. The materials that make up a photovoltaic solar panel are completely recyclable. A photovoltaic panel is composed of 80% silicon, a glass blade, an aluminum frame and tin for the connection between cells. The junction box is made of plastic. All these materials are all recyclable. Your I'M SOLAR panel is therefore 100% recyclable at the end of its life.
We have carried out aging tests on our photovoltaic modules to estimate their lifespan. The result is that our solar panels have an estimated lifespan of 50 years. We remind you that our performance guarantee is also guaranteed for 30 years. This means that you will never have to worry about a defect in our panels but you ensure the durability of the product you buy from us. Your children will not have to manage your waste because your purchase for the installation of solar panels is green, from its manufacture to its end-of-life management.

Recycling in solar
Prioritizing reuse and recycling has always been a priority at I'M SOLAR. We strive to reduce the environmental impact of our activities, including that of our competitors. It is a total vision of the market that pushed us to offer this recycling service.
A panel is more than 95% recyclable. Indeed, the main components of a solar panel are silicon, glass and aluminum. By associating with a recycling plant in Europe, we manage the waste from your old solar panels in order to offer you state-of-the-art I'M SOLAR solar panels, with the lowest carbon footprint.
A comprehensive approach
Switch to I'M Solar
Our solar panels have an estimated lifespan of up to 50 years (for the glass-glass range), which is why we offer an ecological solution for your old panels. This offer includes the management of your solar panels on site (transport included), the recycling of these.
To benefit from this offer, please order your solar panels on our online store. After delivery, please email us to arrange removal of your previous solar panels. You can use the pallet sent with the I'M SOLAR panels to make the packaging for transport to the recycling plant.
Our guarantee
The I'M Solar product warranty
A strong environmental commitment
I'M SOLAR is positioned as a 360° player on the entire European photovoltaic market with a totally ecological goal. The manufacture of solar panels, made in an ecological way, goes through its recycling, including the solar panels of our competitors.
Actions in favor of the environment
With a low ecological impact on the production of our solar panels, we also want to manage the waste of your old solar panels. You replace your solar panels for an ecological purpose and performance is finally accessible with I'M SOLAR.
A global offer
The I'M SOLAR offer is not limited to the sole production and sale of solar panels. We care about our overall ecological impact on photovoltaic activity. With this new recycling offer for damaged and/or defective solar panels, we are opening the doors to after-sales service in order to ensure overall ecological management.