FAQ : Product Reviews

1. How do I report an abusive comment?
On each product page, click on the "customer reviews" tab, then on the "report abuse" link.
2. Are the reviews original?
All the reviews posted on the site are original and are validated afterwards by our customer service department in order to check the authenticity of the comments.
We do not retouch reviews, nor do we correct spelling mistakes or syntax.
A review is a review, and even if it's not flattering it will remain online.
Information also comes from our customers and your feedback is very important to us.
3. How do I submit a product review?
Once you have received your order, you will receive an email or text message inviting you to leave a comment on the products you have ordered.
On each product page, click on the "Customer reviews" tab and then on the "Give your opinion / Be the first to give your opinion" link.
Don't forget to add your name and a free comment about the assembly, the technical specifications of the product, its efficiency, etc...
4. Share photos of your installations with us?
We would like to share customer testimonials on our website to reassure other potential customers about the quality and efficiency of our products. To do this, we would like to receive a photo of your solar installation in action! Your contribution will enable us to demonstrate the benefits of solar energy to anyone thinking of switching to this ecological and economical solution.
In exchange for your photo, we'd be delighted to give you an exclusive I'M Solar® gift as a thank you for your participation.
It's very simple to take part! Take one or more clear photos of your solar installation, making sure that the solar panels are clearly visible. Send us the photos by e-mail to julie@im.solar. Include your full name and address in your message, as well as any information you'd like to share about your experience with our products (optional). Rest assured that we will respect your privacy by displaying only your first name and taking care not to divulge any personal information.