FAQ : Our I'M Solar guarantees

1. I am a private individual. Can I benefit from the I'M Solar guarantee?
As a private individual, you must have your installation validated by a professional installer in order to benefit from this guarantee.
Important: In the event of an incident, it is essential that an I'M Solar installer validates the installation. Failure to do so will invalidate the warranty.
2. I'm a professional, can I benefit from the I'M Solar guarantee?
Professionals: you automatically benefit free of charge from the guarantee on ALL your I'M Solar purchases.
3. What are your obligations under the comprehensive insurance?
You must take all the necessary precautions to keep your photovoltaic installation in good working order and comply with the legal and administrative requirements in force.
You must also use the insured items and have them used only within the technical limits of application and operation specified by the manufacturer.
Damage due to a lack of maintenance or damage aggravated by a lack of maintenance will not be covered.
It is essential to note the serial number of all your photovoltaic equipment.
4. How do you estimate the amount of damage?
The value of your installation is estimated by 2 experts. The experts are also responsible for giving their opinion on the causes of the loss.
You are responsible for paying the experts' fees.
The value of the compensation is determined by taking the actual value and subtracting the value of debris and parts that may still be in use. An excess of €250 will be applied to your entire installation. This amount may be reduced by the cost of labour and repairs.
If you suffer a claim within the first 12 months, the value of your installation is deemed to be new.
After 12 months, the depreciation value is 20% per year up to a maximum of 50%.
5. What is I'M Safe insurance?
I'M Solar "all-risk" insurance provides full cover for all the equipment in a photovoltaic kit.
The insurance covers: damage caused by meteorological phenomena (thunderstorms; hail; lightning); damage caused by exceptional phenomena (fire, water damage), technical risks (power surges, explosions) and damage caused by vandalism (theft and attempted theft).
Duration of guarantee: 5 years
6. How do I qualify for All Risks insurance?
To benefit from the All Risks Insurance, the entire order must be placed on the I'M Solar site. We can therefore assure you that the solar panels, inverters, fixings and/or storage batteries are perfectly matched.
In addition, the insurance applies if the fixing system is dedicated to photovoltaics.
7. What is the procedure in the event of damage?
Inform I'M Solar by email within a maximum of 5 days of the damage. If the damage is the result of theft, attempted theft, extortion or a malicious act by a third party, you must lodge a complaint immediately with the police authorities.
Information on the cause, extent and circumstances of the loss must then be sent to I'M Solar as soon as possible.
You must keep the damaged parts for any investigations. You must not modify or move the damaged items in any way that could complicate the investigation or make it impossible. You must provide I'M Solar with all information and documents enabling the amount of the damage to be estimated and justify the "cost of labour" and the "cost of materials and replacement parts" by means of invoices or any other documents.
You must also provide I'M Solar with any technical or other assistance that it may request in order to exercise its subrogation rights against the third parties responsible.
8. If I move, modify or relocate my installation, is my guarantee still valid?
You are obliged to declare the reasons why the installation has been moved. It is essential to declare the new address of your installation and the changes made. The installation must be carried out by a professional installer.
Dismantling, reassembly, relocation, maintenance, inspection, servicing and repairs are included in the guarantee.